From Classic to Cutting Edge: Concrete Ideas and Inspiration

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Helpful Tips for Caring for and Maintaining Decorative Concrete

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When cared for and protected, colored concrete will be able to retain its color indefinitely. The fact is the color of integrally colored concrete extends in the entire slab. This means that even if surface abrasions occur, the color will not disappear. Also, the pigments in the color are chemically stable, which means they won’t fade away as time passes due to ultraviolet light or because of adverse weather conditions. However, to keep colored concrete surfaces looking their best, certain care and maintenance needs to be provided. Read More»

How You Can Reduce the Noise Reaching Your Farm from the Highway

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Many livestock farmers fear that there is nothing that can be done to reduce the noise coming from a nearby highway. However, such people may not know that precast concrete walls can be designed to reduce the amount of noise that reaches the livestock farms. This article discusses two types of sound walls that can be made from precast concrete. Use this information to decide on the best way to deal with the noise that may be affecting the productivity of your livestock. Read More»

Why Decorative Concrete Would Be Ideal For Your Residence

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Every homeowner would like to have an attractive exterior. However, some homeowners have the general misconception that in order to enhance the curb appeal of their residence, they would have to break the bank. The truth of the matter though is that focusing on adjusting one aspect of the exterior of your home can have a significant impact on the overall curb appeal of the residence. One of the ways that you could do this is through decorative concrete. Read More»

Why You Shouldn't Overlook Repairing Your Industrial Concrete Floor

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Many warehouse and industrial facilities have concrete floors, as the material is tough and durable and very fire resistant. Concrete can hold up under the weight of forklifts and other such heavy equipment, and also suffer less damage due to moisture or industrial spills. As durable as it may be, concrete will eventually need some repairs and you don’t want to put off this work once you notice even minor damage. Read More»

Things to think about when drilling in concrete

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Concrete drilling is a procedure most homeowners will have to do from time to time to hang things on concrete walls or attach structures to already existing concrete structures. Concrete drilling can be a difficult procedure, but it you have a proper drill made for drilling in concrete and if you use the right screws, you don’t have to hire a professional to do it for you. There are, however, things that can go wrong when concrete drilling and screwing, but instead of giving up, there are a few things you can do to make sure your concrete drilling goes according to plan. Read More»

2 Popular Options For Beautiful Concrete Flooring Mixes When Building A New Home

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Concrete foundations are a popular choice for Australians who are building a new home. This is no surprise; concrete is versatile, strong, durable, and easy to use. It’s also widely recognised as a key element in sustainable building design due to its longevity, recyclability, and because it acts as a thermal mass by insulating your home and retaining heat. Until recent years, concrete foundations were generally used as a base on which to install more traditional flooring types, such as tiles, carpets, and timber boards. Read More»

Why You Need To Sealcoat Your Asphalt Parking Lot or Driveway

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If you don’t maintain your asphalt driveway or parking lot properly, it will start developing cracks. These cracks can undermine the longevity of the asphalt materials, which means that you might end up spending a lot on maintenance of the driveway because of constant cracks. Fortunately, whether you have repaired cracks in your driveway/parking lot or not, you can prevent the cracking as part of preventative maintenance by sealcoating it. Here is how sealcoating acts to enhance the longevity of your asphalt parking lot or driveway. Read More»